Last Updated on November 7, 2023


How Often Should You Get Adjusted by a Chiropractor? Finding the Right Balance

Seeking chiropractic care can provide immense relief from chronic pain and improve overall wellness. However, a question that often comes up is: how often should you actually get adjusted by a chiropractor?

Unfortunately, there is no single straightforward answer. The optimal frequency of chiropractic adjustments depends on several key factors. Today, as a chiropractor, we’ll explore these influencing elements and provide guidance on finding the adjustment schedule that works best for you.

Factors Influencing Frequency

Chiropractors develop customized treatment plans based on each patient’s needs and goals. Two major factors determine the recommended adjustment frequency:

Initial Treatment Plan

When beginning chiropractic care, most practitioners will suggest visiting 2-3 times per week initially. There are good reasons for this higher frequency during the first phase of treatment:

  • Frequent adjustments at the start allow the body to begin responding and the chiropractor to evaluate your progress.
  • For patients in significant pain, multiple weekly adjustments may be needed to provide pain relief before transitioning to maintenance.
  • Early adjustments help retrain muscles and joints into proper alignment from long-term misalignments.
  • High frequency appointments give the chiropractor insight into which adjustments are providing the most benefit.

Healing Process

As your body begins to heal and you start seeing results, the frequency of adjustments often decreases:

  • Progress means you need fewer alignments to maintain improvement.
  • The transition is made from correction to maintenance of your progress.
  • After the initial period, appointments are spaced farther apart.
  • Maintenance adjustments keep your healing on track vs restarting the process.

Finding the Right Balance

Determining optimal adjustment frequency involves finding the right balance based on your chiropractor’s input and your individual needs.


There is no universal ideal adjustment schedule. The right frequency for you depends on factors like:

  • Your health goals and conditions are being treated.
  • Age, lifestyle and activity levels.
  • Speed of your body’s response.
  • Recommendations from your chiropractor.
  • Scheduling and budget constraints.

In essence, chiropractic care plans are highly customizable.

Consulting a Chiropractor

To identify your optimal adjustment cadence, consult directly with your chiropractor:

  • Discuss your health goals and conditions you want to address.
  • Ask for their professional recommendation based on evaluating your unique situation.
  • Express any concerns you have about frequency of visits.
  • Weigh their guidance against your schedule, budget, and responsibilities.
  • Agree on a frequency trial period to assess your response.
  • Modify the plan together as needed over the course of care.

Remember, openly communicating with your chiropractor is key to maximizing benefits.

Safety and Effectiveness

Naturally, questions arise around the safety and effectiveness of frequent chiropractic adjustments. Here’s a look at some key considerations:

Safety Concerns

Research indicates chiropractic adjustments are extremely safe when performed by licensed professionals. Studies have not shown any serious risks from frequent alignments when warranted:

  • No scientific evidence shows adjustments are dangerous for adults when clinically indicated.
  • Most reported side effects are minor like soreness. Serious injury is very rare.
  • Appropriately scheduled alignments within recommended guidelines are considered safe.

Effectiveness vs. Over-Treatment

There is also little evidence that excessive chiropractic adjustments lead to better outcomes:

  • Any treatment, even a natural one, can reach a point of diminishing returns.
  • Your body needs recovery time between adjustments to integrate their benefits.
  • More frequent isn’t necessarily better beyond a certain threshold based on your case.
  • Over-adjustment may provide no added benefit while needlessly increasing healthcare costs.

The ideal frequency appropriately maximizes benefits without over-treatment.

Expert Opinions

With the rise in popularity of chiropractic care, there has also been an increase in research and expert opinions on treatment frequency.

Medical Professionals’ Insights

The broader medical community has weighed in on appropriate chiropractic adjustment schedules:

  • Many acknowledge a clear role for short-term frequent alignments to treat acute injuries or significant pain.
  • For ongoing care, spacing as individualized maintenance is commonly recommended.
  • Most advise finding the minimum effective frequency for each patient long-term.
  • Potential over-treatment without added benefit is a concern for some providers.
  • Some care providers remain skeptical of prolonged, indefinite chiropractic treatment plans.

Chiropractic Community Views

Within the chiropractic field, there are also varying perspectives:

  • Many chiropractors support frequent visits for new patients and when in acute pain.
  • For established patients, regular maintenance is considered important by some practitioners.
  • Others argue routine chiropractic care provides minimal benefits for patients without pain.
  • Some promote indefinite wellness-based treatment plans with weekly adjustments.
  • A few practitioners have built business models around very frequent visits.

There is ongoing debate about how long patients should receive chiropractic treatment.

Common Concerns Addressed

Two apprehensions about frequent chiropractic adjustments commonly arise:

Too Much Chiropractic Care

Some patients worry about negative effects of too much chiropractic treatment:

  • Studies show that over-adjustment rarely causes harm beyond unnecessary costs.
  • Discomfort from excessive treatments may indicate decreasing benefits.
  • Reputable chiropractors will not over-treat patients without clinical need.
  • Openly discuss concerns about over-adjustment with your chiropractor.

Maintenance and Preventive Care

Others question the validity of chiropractic wellness plans:

  • For patients without acute symptoms, maintenance needs vary individually.
  • Some patients report lifestyle benefits from maintenance adjustments.
  • Preventive benefits are unproven and likely limited for most people.

Again, expressing concerns to your chiropractor is key to finding the right plan for you.


In summary, there is no ideal chiropractic adjustment schedule that applies to everyone. Treatment frequency should be tailored based on your specific health goals, condition, and response to care. While some general frequency guidelines exist, regularly communicating with your chiropractor is essential to maximize benefits while avoiding over-treatment.

Some key takeaways around chiropractic adjustment frequency include:

  • Most initial treatment plans start with 2-3 visits per week.
  • Frequency often decreases as the body responds to care.
  • Treatment plans are personalized based on unique needs.
  • Both safety and effectiveness should be balanced.
  • Ongoing communication with your chiropractor is crucial.

Finding the right balance takes patience, vigilance, and openness between patient and practitioner. But the investment is well worth it to achieve lasting optimal health.


Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about the frequency of chiropractic adjustments:

How often is too often to get adjusted by a chiropractor?

There is no specific number that applies to all patients, but research has not shown any added benefit for more than 2-3 adjustments per week in most cases. Unnecessarily frequent alignments could result in over-treatment.

How many times a week can you get a chiropractic adjustment?

I explain that for new patients or those in significant pain, 3 appointments per week is well within clinical guidelines and supported by research. During the early phases of treatment for conditions like chronic back pain or whiplash, more frequent alignments allow faster pain relief and correction of long-term misalignments.

Why do I have to go to the chiropractor every week?

If your chiropractor recommends visiting weekly, it likely means they have determined you require that frequency to maintain your progress based on your health circumstances. Express any concerns you have with them directly.

Is it safe to see a chiropractor 3 times a week?

For new patients or those with significant pain, 3 chiropractic sessions weekly is generally considered a safe regimen. Research has not indicated any serious risks of appropriately scheduled adjustments from qualified chiropractors.

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